Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

With the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), tradable emission reduction certificates can be generated from emission reduction projects in developing countries.

The Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM) is a project-based mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol (Article 12). It allows developed countries to invest in emission reduction projects in developing countries. The certificates resulting from these projects (known as Certified Emission Reductions, or CERs) can be allocated by industrial countries to their national emission reduction targets.  In Switzerland, additional quality requirements apply to the crediting of such certificates (Appendix 2 CO2 Ordinance).

The CDM Executive Board (EB) is the body authorised by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to supervise the validity and quantity of certificates from CDM projects.

The CDM is designed to promote the transfer of climate-friendly technologies to developing countries in order to contribute to their sustainable development.

Procedure, criteria and documents to obtain a Letter of Approval (LoA) to participate in a CDM project

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI) Projects

Criteria for approving participation. A communication of the FOEN in its capacity as the enforcement authority of the CO2 Ordinance. 2014

Further information

Last modification 21.03.2022

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